A symbolic nation to represent 65 million displaced people worldwide.
The Refugee Nation wants to show the world that refugees matter and something has to be done.
Through a powerful flag and an anthem, we’re creating more than an identity to these brave people,
we’re helping channel the voice of refugees and all those who want to speak out for the cause.

Duration: 2'11''
Cannes Lions 2017:  1x Grand Prix + 1x Titanium + 7x Gold  + 4x Silver + 5x Bronze + 2x Shortlists;
One Show 2017: 1x Best of Show Pencil + 2x Best of Discipline + 2x Gold Pencils - One Show (US)
D&AD 2017: 1x Yellow Pencil + 2x Wood Pencils
New York Festivals (US): 1x Grand Prize + 2x First Prize
El Ojo de Iberoamérica (AR): 1x Grand Prize


The flag was designed and made by Yara Said, an artist and Syrian refugee now living in Amsterdam.
After graduating at the Faculty of Fine Arts at Damascus University, Yara had to leave her own country to search for a safer place to live.



Our anthem was written by Moutaz Arian, a composer and Syrian refugee now living in Istanbul.
Three years ago, he was studying music at University of Damascus. After being threatened with conscription into Assad’s army, Moutaz decided he had no choice but to flee his own country.


In August 2016, for the first time ever, a refugee team was competing at the Rio Olympics 2016.
Despite the IOC (International Olympic Committee) doesn’t allow the athletes to carry The Refugee Nation flag, two of them, Popole Misenga and Yolande Mabika, had the opportunity to embrace it. Even in an official game the flag was showed as a tribute to the refugee athletes.


The Refugee Nation flag being embraced inside the two biggest refugee camps in the world, Kakuma and Lesbos.

The Refugee Nation Flag being embraced by the Olympic refugee athletes and waved as the official refugees flag during the One Young World Summit in Ottawa, Canada.

The flag arriving at the the Victoria & Albert Museum (London) to be part of their permanent collection.
And featured at the MoMA (NYC) exhibition Insecurities: Tracing Displacement and Shelter.

We were invited by the U.S. Department of State for the event Making Media That Matters: Amplifying the stories of refugees, to introduce the flag and the project. Featuring the Second Lady of the USA Jill Biden, and the whole creative team proudly holding the flag. :-)